Ravi Singh said there is no cap on buying digital gold. However, the maximum limit for buying gold in a single day is 2 lakh. Ravi Singh, Vice President %26, Head of Research at Share India, said, according to the latest CBDT circular to his officials, not to seize gold jewelry and jewelry up to a certain extent, such as a married woman 500 grams of physical gold in the form of jewelry and ornaments, 250 grams for an unmarried woman and only 100 grams for a man, regardless of marital status. As a result, there is no cap on the amount of gold that can be held in India as long as you have a legitimate source and documentation for the gold.
In India, most of us invest in physical gold and jewelry, but that’s not the best way to invest in gold, said Amit Gupta, MD, SAG Infotech. From physical gold to bonds to digital gold and SGBs, buying gold is considered promising, particularly during festivals in India. Amit Gupta, MD, SAG Infotech, said that when it comes to return on investment, digital gold investments are almost always better than physical gold. Put simply, if a person keeps more gold at home than is allowed, they must be able to explain how the extra gold got into the household.
The circular issued by CBDT states that a married woman may store up to 500 grams of gold jewelry, an unmarried woman up to 250 grams and a male family member up to 100 grams of gold jewelry and jewelry. Under the above limit, both inherited and purchased gold jewelry are considered valid, even if you do not have documents for the amount of gold jewelry listed above, it will not be confiscated.